Model Math Learning Centre

Set Your Child Up For Success

As your child steps into secondary school, they will encounter a wider range of challenging maths equations and topics such as statistics, data analysis, trigonometry, and calculus, as they begin to prepare for the O-level syllabus.

At Model Math, our comprehensive programme is meticulously crafted based on in-depth research of top school examination papers. This enables us to understand how different concepts are applied and tested, ensuring that your child is well-prepared to tackle these exams with confidence.

How Our Secondary Maths Lessons Work

Students will engage in targeted lessons organised by topic and concept. Each lesson delves into one to four concepts, providing a focused learning experience. Throughout the course, students will be exposed to all commonly tested secondary maths concepts, including statistics and data analysis, trigonometry, and calculus. We prioritise the topics that students often find challenging, drawing from our extensive experience in teaching the Singapore maths syllabus.

Each lesson comprises three key components:

  • Worksheet: Engaging exercises that reinforce the concepts taught in the lesson.
  • Lesson Notes: Additional resources provide in-depth information to enhance students’ understanding of the topic.
  • Detailed Solutions: Comprehensive solutions that enable students to learn from their mistakes and gain insights into their problem-solving approaches.

Register now and give your child the confidence in Math!

    Model Math Learning Centre

    “Level Up Essentials (Secondary 1)” – a comprehensive assessment book explicitly tailored for Secondary One students

    About the Book:

    “Level Up Essentials” features questions that are meticulously curated from commonly tested examination questions and concepts. Our team has carefully researched and selected key questions, organising them according to difficulty levels. This structure ensures that students can gradually build their mastery of each topic.

    Additionally, the book comes with a separate booklet of complete worked solutions. This feature encourages students to independently correct their mistakes and understand the essential workings required for their examinations.


    Why Choose Level Up Essentials?

    • A substantial 170 pages of carefully selected common examination questions and concepts.
    • Organised by difficulty to aid in gradual learning and mastery.
    • A separate booklet of worked solutions for independent learning.
    • A clear breakdown of allocated marks for each question.
    • Tailored to help students excel in their examinations.


    Price at $35 include:

    • 170 page Assessment book
    • Separate full solution booklet
    • Suitable for G2, G3, IP and IB students


    Matrix Method – This Familiar Study Technique Continues

    We believe in providing a seamless learning experience for our students as they transition from primary to secondary school.

    Students who have studied with us during their primary years will be well-acquainted with the unique way of thinking we instil. The revolutionary Matrix Method has proven to be transformative, enabling countless students to gain a deep understanding of maths and perform well in their PSLE maths exams. Rest assured, this method sets the foundation for continuous achievement as they progress into secondary school.

    Model Math Learning Centre
    Record Data
    Model Math Learning Centre
    Establish A Common Base
    Model Math Learning Centre
    Identify The Value
    Model Math Learning Centre
    Solve 1 Unit
    Model Math Learning Centre
    Read The Question Again
    Model Math Learning Centre

    Weekly Learning Materials

    At Matrix Math, our teachers understand that our Secondary students have very busy school schedules. To help our students learn, in addition to our weekly class lessons, our teachers record key learning concepts taught during the week. These recorded lessons are uploaded for our students to watch and learn at their own pace.

    Model Math Learning Centre Got a question? Talk to us!