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7 ways to help kids with ADHD learn maths

ADHD as it relates to maths is a subject very close to our hearts.

Here’s why. Our founder, Jason Hiak, started Matrix Maths because he witnessed how his own sons with ADHD (that’s them in the picture) were coping (or not) with maths in school.

He researched around the topic at the time but found that the scientific research he came across was too academic and theoretical and also didn’t really apply to the Singapore education context.

So, he took what he knew and his own experiences teaching his 2 kids and developed his own programme through trial and error to see what would work best for his kids.

To his surprise, it was in tune with the tips and recommendations by medical experts, and it totally worked! Jason quickly realised that it could help not only his children and others with ADHD, but all children learning maths. This became the Matrix Math Method!

We break it down here into 7 ways to help kids with ADHD learn maths.

1. Be patient

This is central to our teaching at Matrix Math. Our teachers are recruited and trained to be patient with our kids. Everyone starts somewhere and we develop skills step by step. Creating a negative environment through impatience and losing your temper is not going to aid learning for your child.

2. Break each session into small parts

At Matrix Math, we break our 2-hour lessons into 4 parts, each focusing on a different learning objective. This keeps the kids engaged, holds their attention better and keeps the pace of learning constant. Weaker students will not be left behind and stronger students can progress without being held back. If you adopt this approve with your child, you’ll find their focus and attention improves.

3. Keep a written record of all instructions

Children with ADHD won’t easily take in verbal instructions so make sure you write down clear instructions for your child so they can go back and refer to them to stay on track. Having a checklist for them to check off as they progress is also a helpful visual aid for them. This is a practice we use at Matrix Math as we recognise that children learn in different ways.

4. Use technology to do the heavy lifting

Technology is readily available and makes learning fun for kids while actually getting them to practise the principles learned without even realising they are studying. We use it all the time at Matrix Math. So make the most of this in your home too. Allow your kids to play selected computer games that aid their understanding of maths. It will be time well spent. You can also take advantage of the free online training we offer at

5. Give individualised attention

Your child will do better learning in small groups so that they can get the attention they need. At Matrix Math, we keep our class size small at only 6 students per class.

6. Consistently reinforce concepts taught

Recognise that your ADHD child (and all children for that matter) are not going to give their 100% attention as they learn. As a result, you can expect that just because it was taught, it won’t necessarily be retained first go. That’s why repetition and continuous reinforcement over a period of time is necessary for all kids to learn. It’s a core feature of our curriculum that we reinforce the learning as we progress through the course.

7. Provide real live examples

Our lessons focus on problem solving and we continuously create and redesign questions balancing the need to address the school syllabus and, as much as possible, relate them to real life. Being able to have your child relate the maths learning to real-life examples will make things much clearer for them rather than just keeping it all theoretical. Si bring in some practical elements and keep the learning fun.

We hope these 7 ways to help kids with ADHD learn maths are helpful to you. They apply to helping any child, not just those with ADHD, to learn maths better.

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